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Bach's World
1707, 1. August (Arnstadt): Entgelt für Kost und Wohnung bei Martin Feldhaus
1708, 29. Dezember (Weimar): Taufe Catharina Dorothea Bach
1709, 7. Februar (Mühlhausen): Honorar und Reisekoste für eine Ratswechselkantate
1714, 2. und 23. März (Weimar): Ernennung zum Konzertmeister und Anordnung über Probenarbeit
1731, 18. März (Leipzig): Taufe von Christiana Dorothea Bach
Leipzig 3D
Left - Werke
Vocal works – BWV 1–524
Sacred cantatas, BWV 1-200
Secular cantatas, BWV 201-224
Motets, BWV 225–231
Masses, BWV 232–236
Individual mass movements, BWV 237–242
Magnificat, passions, oratorios, BWV 243–249
Chorale settings for four voices, BWV 250–438
Songs and arias, BWV 439–524
Organ works – BWV 525–771
Works not connected to a chorale, BWV 525–598
Chorale settings, BWV 599–771
Piano works – BWV 772–994
Works for two and three voices, BWV 772–805
Suites, BWV 806–845
Preludes and Fugues, BWV 846–962
Sonatas, Concertos, Variations, BWV 963–994
Chamber Music – BWV 995–1040
Lute works, BWV 995–1000, 1006a
Works for a solo instrument, BWV 1001–1013
Sonatas with harpsichord or continuo, BWV 1014–1040
Orchestral works – BWV 1041–1071
Concertos, BWV 1041–1065
Suites, BWV 1066–1071
Contrapuntal works – BWV 1072–1080
Other Works
Later additions to the Appendix (Anhang), BWV Anh. 190–213
Anhang I – Fragments and lost works, BWV Anh. 1–23
Anhang II – Doubtful works, BWV Anh. 24–155
Anhang III – Falsely attributed works, BWV Anh. 156–189
Compositions included later, BWV 1081–1128
"Christ lag in Todesbanden" ("Christ lay to death in bondage") BWV 4
To Calendarium